Translation new technologies
Translation of technical manuals, user manuals, instruction booklets, product sheets and patents
Kasakova Traduzioni specializes in translating technical documentation related to cutting-edge technologies, including artificial intelligence, renewable energies, virtual reality, and blockchain
Translations in the field of New Technologies

Since the “Italia 2000” fair, dedicated to technological exchange between the USSR and Italy, in which we participated in 1990, Kasakova Traduzioni has been a reliable support for efficient and up-to-date technical documentation for international projects, especially in the realm of new technologies.
Over the years, following the information technology revolution, new technologies have emerged that were once considered unimaginable. Artificial intelligence, for example, has begun to find applications in various sectors and is poised to see even more widespread use. In industrial production, robots, for instance, are replacing humans in performing repetitive, programmable tasks. A rapidly advancing sector is automated management, with intelligently self-managing climate systems for environments or intelligent navigation systems that autonomously drive a vehicle without human intervention. This trend extends to the fields of pharmaceuticals and medicine. Given the linguistic and geographical diversity of progress in artificial intelligence, precise translation of its technical aspects into various languages is essential for international cooperation and sales. Accurate translation, conducted by professionals well-versed in emerging technological landscapes, is crucial for the advancement of research in this sector.
As the era of hydrocarbons nears its end, a new frontier of alternative sustainable energy is opening up. New technologies involve harnessing energy from natural sources such as sunlight or wind through wind turbines. In recent years, electric cars have become more prevalent, and it is predicted that by the 2030s, they will have replaced combustion engine vehicles. The industry is making significant efforts to develop models with maximum autonomy, short recharge times, and refueling stations integrated into urban environments. In this context, the exchange of these new technologies between countries necessitates translating the entire technical aspect from the language of the country of origin to that of the destination country.
Virtual reality is a sector that could soon revolutionize the concepts of distance and experience. In the science fiction films of the 1970s or 1980s, characters often interacted with holograms of other people or “relived” the experiences of others so immersive that it raised questions about changing one’s personality. With current developments, certain devices allow us to play tennis in our living room, explore the summit of a mountain, or surf waves that are ten meters high. Virtual reality goes hand in hand with the linguistic context, requiring impeccable translation.
The most recent but equally significant innovation is undoubtedly blockchain. This recently invented technology could revolutionize and simplify many aspects of our lives, given its structure that ensures the security and transparency of stored data and the independence of nodes in its network. Applications are diverse, spanning real estate and public administration record management, healthcare and biological sciences, telecommunications, and transportation. The sector where this technology is having the most revolutionary impact is finance, with the creation of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies that could become commonplace as stores of value or tools for everyday transactions.

We translate your technical documentation into ALL LANGUAGES and in different formats: