Translations Russian English
We develop creative, comprehensive, and sustainable engineering solutions for a future where society can thrive.
For over 30 years, 100% reliable translations from Russian to English.
Translations from English to Russian or from Russian to English of technical, energy, automotive, legal, chemical, and literary documentation.

English and Russian, two profoundly different languages.
English and Russian pose significant challenges when it comes to translation. Even without any knowledge of translation, one immediately notices the difference in length when looking at a page translated from Russian to English . While English is concise, Russian is a rich language composed of long words and unique expressions. Translations into Russian are usually longer than the source language. Moreover, the number of synonyms and nuances to express a concept can vary significantly. For example, while English may use the simple “to go” for movement, Russian presents a much more complex scenario: “ходить / идти” for walking, with choices between perfective and imperfective aspects, along with various prefixes and suffixes indicating approach, arrival, departure, transfer, and more. “Ездить – ехать” for motion using a vehicle, always combined with various suffixes, “плыть – плавать” if the movement occurs in water, and so on. As we can see, the range of expressions to translate from Russian to English is very wide. Imagine all of this contextualized in the construction of an oil platform, in the manual of a medicine, or in the assembly booklet of a car: in this case, it is evident how nuances and the correct choice of words and expressions are extremely important. Additionally, when delving into the topic of Russian-English translation, achieving a homogeneous result is crucial: specific expressions written in English should always be translated in the same way, ensuring a consistent outcome that makes the translated text more immediately accessible to the client. To achieve an optimal result in this regard, it is better not to rely on different freelance translators, as each will translate in their own way, resulting in an inconsistent outcome, but to turn to a specialized provider. In addition to this, our company provides access to our Translation Memory, which inherits years of work on technical projects, enabling us to guarantee the highest quality of Russian-English translation based on our extensive experience.
Kasakova Traduzioni SRL stands as an ISO 9001-certified translation company, providing a guarantee of 100% reliable translations!

A highly specialized team of translators.
- Being a native speaker in the target language, i.e., native of a Russian-speaking (CIS) or English-speaking country
- Having highly proven proficiency in the source language, supported by diplomas obtained in the respective countries
- Possessing technical knowledge regarding the subject matter to be translated
- Having over five years of experience in specialized translations
We translate your technical documentation into ALL LANGUAGES and in different formats: