Mother Tongue Translators

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Why using native speaker translators is a guarantee of a high-quality translation?

It is commonly believed that translators are better at translating into their native language than into a second language. The reason behind this assumption is that translators have a deeper linguistic and cultural background of their native language than a second language that they need to learn to be expert translators. Likewise, the translator who translates into his native language has a more natural and practical knowledge of the various linguistic elements of his native language, such as semantics, syntax, morphology and lexicology than the translator who translates into a foreign language. At a linguistic level, translation into the first language offers the translator some advantages, such as an instinctive knowledge of the morphological, semantic, syntactic and lexical aspects of his native language because the translator acquires these linguistic elements naturally over time. These various aspects constitute the translator’s growing linguistic reservoir. Since the most important element of the translation is the faithful transposition of the meaning of the textual content of the source language, the native translator has a very low risk of inaccuracy. In summary, the advantages enjoyed by native speaker translators are:

  • 100% faithful translation into the target language
  • richness and lexical ownership
  • mastery of nuances and typical expressions present in the target language
  • Simplified integration with highly technical themes


Based on these considerations, the translators who join our team are all native speakers: in most cases they live or have spent years learning in the country of the source language, completing a higher university course of study. Some of them, if specialized in technical translations, have also acquired a technical or scientific diploma.

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